
Graduated in Design with specialization in Visual Communication and Marketing, I work as an information architect and frontend designer, having extensive experience with collections, catalogs, and other projects with a large volume of data.

Main skills:
  • WordPress Development
  • Information Architecture
  • Interaction Design
  • Interface Prototyping
  • Frontend Development

I have solid experience in the creative sector, especially design studios and advertising agencies, and due to my academic background and professional and personal coexistence with many designers, I easily adapt to any interface delivered. If it was designed, it can be developed.

As a programmer, I am a WordPress evangelist and have been working with it for over 10 years, in addition to the triad of HTML, CSS (my professional passion) and JavaScript, where I have deepened my knowledge of modern frameworks such as React and Astro, and I have worked on specific projects with PHP, Node.js and database modeling.

On the designer side, I have experience with Figma and methodologies in the area, with a fondness for abstractions to solve problems in a more assertive way and aligned with business goals and user needs. Due to my qualifications in Marketing, I also know and execute processes in the area aimed at the end user, especially research and benchmarking.

Acting as an information architect, I usually carry out the pre-project together with the client, from scope to delivery to the team responsible for the interface, while I take over the development of the project.

I also have experience in training (in person, video and/or text) for the most diverse types of clients, from the most traditional to the most disruptive, delivering products where the company has total control over the content and, in some cases, also over interface areas.

I really like learning and I’m not content with inertia, whether in my personal or professional life, and because of my constant curiosity I tend to always be informed about the latest technology, methodologies and tools that make my work easier and, especially, the result for the customer.

Native Portuguese, advanced English and intermediate Spanish.

As hobbies, gardening 🪴, cycling 🚲 and the beach 🏖️.

  • Frontend Designer / Owner

    Customer service, prospecting, briefing meetings, budgeting, execution of Information Architecture, Development and training

  • Frontend Designer

    Responsible for the digital area of ​​the studio, I served clients such as Museum of Tomorrow, Instituto Moreira Sales, Maria Bethânia, Aliança Francesa, PUC-Rio, Casa Camolese, Clube Manouche and Vezpa Pizzas, mainly developing institutional websites and digital catalogs with large volumes of data, structuring the project from functional specification and information architecture to development and training of the responsible teams.

    I also implemented identity systems and part generators in Figma to make the design team more efficient in social media deliveries.

  • Frontend Designer

  • UI & UX Designer

  • UX Designer

  • Web Designer / Developer Intern

  • Web Designer / Developer

    Aesthetic and functional design of websites, hotsites, portals and blogs.

  • Art Director Intern

    Planning websites, hotsites and blogs for institutions and external clients, involving the aesthetic part of the layout and the functional part of web programming (HTML and CSS) and integration with CMS.